Ames Yavuz
Harriette Bryant
Harriette Bryant (b.1969) was born is Amata, Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, and lives and works in Mimili Community. Throughout her childhood, Bryant journeyed across the country, from Cundalee Mission (Kalgoorlie), through Yalata, Pipalyatjara and Ooldea. Bryant’s travels through various communities and missions profoundly shaped her artistic vision and cultural understanding.
Working with transformed domestic objects—from silver serving trays to decorative coasters—Bryant subverts the familiar language of colonial domesticity. These found materials, once symbols of European settlement and propriety, become powerful vehicles for storytelling in her hands. Bryant’s practice weaves together family storylines and cultural memory, her alterations to these household items speaking simultaneously to displacement and reclamation.